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You Could Be Healthier.







So you have more energy to create the life and career you love.



Hi, I’m Janice. 

Nice to meet you.

Feeling down and defeated because you pulled into the Dunkin drive-through AGAIN, it’s not your fault.

As the creator of The Seasonal Healthy Habits Collective, I provide trusted life coaching to professional women so that they can be a little healthier each day. A little goes a long way when it comes to health. We focus on being more mindful, prepared, and consistent, with adding healthy habits. You will learn to experiment with new health tools, communicate what matters most, and genuinely connect more deeply with yourself and others so that you bring your most healthy self to everything you do.


Why we do what we do.


We want your earning potential over these next decades to not be interrupted by unexpected illness.

The power to be active and stay active with your children, friends, grandchildren, and civic organizations you love is the ultimate gift.

You have spent years making sure your children and family have everything they need to be successful and let’s face it, YOUR health has suffered.

Historically Black women have been celebrated for caring for everyone else except themselves, this season is for YOU!

Join our community for the coaching and support to get healthier.

You’re not in your twenties or thirties when it was a “thing” to meet for classes at the gym. With coaching and support, you can customize a plan to add healthy habits to ensure you have energy for the ambitious goals you have set for yourself in this season of your life.


"Janice's program was perfect for jump-starting my motivation to be o a healthier and more mindful path. Her program worked for me because I could take it in baby steps and I could customize it to match my personal goals. Janice's encouragement and practical approach was just what I needed!"

Sabrina Philson

"Janice, I am so glad that I decided to embark on this journey with the Seasonal Sisters. Your energy, tenacity and enthusiasm to help women like me find inner peace and develop healthy habits for life is awesome!"

Angie Hunte

"I have struggled for many years with staying consistent and sticking with my exercise routines. Seasonal Sisters have gently held me accountable and I am more consistent than I've ever been. "

Tracey Chamberlin


Seasonal Healthy Habits

Discover how professional Black women are taking control of their health and lives one season at a time.


Life Coaching

Life coaching for you to live with intention more mindful , prepared and consistently being a healthier person.


Give yourself a fresh start each season and connect to yourself and the natural world.

As a Seasonal Sister you have access to one on one coaching, downloadable templates , and curated scientifically proven tools to make being healthier easier.


Membership to a community of Professional Black women who are ready to prioritize being healthier.

When you peruse what matters most to you the world is a better place. Our community is a safe space where we confide, learn and celebrate one another.


Why is life coaching great?

Life coaching is a sacred space to magnify what is meaningful to you and build systems to create more of it in your everyday life. 

Consistent Healthy Habits Activator Tool


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